Is Cinnamon Good for Kidney Patients

Is cinnamon good for kidney patients? Cinnamon is common used spice in the daily, but you may not know its health benefits. In the following, I list some of the medical values. Hope it can help you.

1. Blood Sugar Control – Cinnamon is showing promise as a way to prevent and counteract the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, having a beneficial effect on glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. Diabetics can easily add it to more meals more often, drink it as tea, or even take it as a supplement.

2. Creatinine level reduction – It has also been used to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon helps to enhance the filtration process and to strengthen weak kidneys and thus increases the evacuation rate of creatinine.

3. Antioxidant – Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant, beating out most other spices in this category. This means cinnamon protects the body against free radicals that lead to premature aging, cancer, and other damage.

4. Arthritis – Cinnamon improves circulation and has a warming effect that people with arthritis feel eases their symptoms. There aren’t many studies that back this up yet, but the anecdotal evidence is still encouraging that this spice may play a role in reducing pain and inflammation.

5. Lower LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides – Apart from improving glucose levels, cinnamon lowers LDL cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations, and overall cholesterol levels without affecting HDL cholesterol. These all reduce risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

There are also some other health benefits of cinnamon. Because space limited, I do not list all of them here. Though it has so many health benefits, you can not eat cinnamon blindly, because too much of cinnamon intake has side effects. For more information, please feel free to contact me.
